Men keep wondering, why do women nag???
Why won't my lady just stop complaining about something I did wrong.
Isn't she supposed to know I am not perfect.. but why don't I just pick on everything she does wrong and nag on and on the same way she does about me. I mean wouldn't life be so much easier this way?? And so says every man I have met on earth.
There is only but one reason actually....
Women don't just sit down and desire to complain all day seriously, there is a million and one things to do with our if we spend that amount of energy on you, you should know you are very special. I am going to simplify the singular truth on why ladies nag with this simple illustration below.
When your car tires are bad and you take your car to the mechanic, the mechanic guy literally puts in his best in ensuring he properly
effects the needed change ( I mean the best of his best...he could stay hours on that job)...kudos to him. But what happens when you finally arrive and test drive your car and the car wheels isn't in the best of shape even after the repair??
It is only natural to accuse the mechanic of doing a crappy job especially when you weren't there to quantify the commitment the guy put into doing your job. All that matters to you is that you are at the receiving end and you would not pay for a job that isn't well done no matter the time the mechanic guy claims he invested on your job.
And so it is in the world of humans. A woman would always be at the receiving end...I mean we don't do the chasing...guys therefore, we would always be the receivers of the demonstration of the crappy love a guy sometimes give...the crappy attention a guy sometimes give and some other stuff of that nature. Truth is even if that's the best the guy is offering may not be producing the desired outcome she wants or needs.
Thus provided the receiver (woman) is not happy with the quality of her guy's services...he would literally have to step up his game or better still have her find another
Trust me, sometimes, a guy may never know why his best isn't just enough...but if she says it isn't (just like you told the then he would need to believe her because only her can truly quantify the effect his services has on her. (He would never be able to do that because he isn't the receiver of his actions/ inactions).
Besides love isn't should be selfless and targeted and making your significant other happy.
So please guys try to help reduce your woman's nagging. The power lies in your hand or so I think.
What do you think???
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