Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 October 2017

7 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Woman Soaring With Love And Admiration. (No. 7 has virtually gone extinct)

What makes a woman feel loved?

The last post on 6 Ways to Keep Your Man Soaring With Love and Admiration sparked a great outcry amongst the female readers of this blog who were so much in a hurry to ask that I also share on what makes a woman feel loved.

I shared the discussion  on Reddit and also received an 80% down-vote by women  as they felt the demands were way too much. I however received a 100% up-vote by
So today's post is going to be on the little things that makes a woman feel loved, be it your fiancée or wife or even mother.

Some men do woefully at making women happy because they feel women are so They will rather go ahead to do "the very big things" to their spouse and still get frustrated when there appear to be no result. It is therefore important for men to understand that it is "little things" that touches a woman's heart and makes her feel loved. Yet those little things seem so hard for men to do and I wonder why.

A woman is created to be a bit more petty and emotional than men. So you shouldn't be surprised when the absence of some little things mean a great deal to a woman. So below are the six (6) little things that make a woman feel loved.

Friday, 22 September 2017

6 Ways to Keep Your Man Soaring With Love And Admiration

It is part of man's basic need to love and be doubt about that. However, being different, a woman would tend to love her man the way her feminine nature enjoys being loved and that may just not work for him. 

So being a step ahead and loving your man the way his masculine nature yearns for would save you a whole lot of stress, tension and confusion.

So here are 6 basic things that would never fail you in making your hubby feel loved and admired.

Friday, 4 August 2017

This Thing Called Open Marriage and Open Parenting's been really difficult picking a title for this post. Well, I would be sharing my view on the concept of open marriage and open parenting. In fact 80% of parents, individuals may not directly agree with my view on open parenting and open marriage. But I feel it is a concept that needs to be integrated into every family as it contains immerse benefits that would help build up future homes. 

Enough said though. So what then is open parenting and open marriage in this context?

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Hate The Offence But Love Your Partner

Love is a beautiful thing (no doubt about it). A mystery we can't really explain. I mean how do you logically explain why your heart beats for A and why it  naturally shuts down to B ?

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Wife Submit to Your Husband or Husband Love Your Wife. Which is Tougher ?

"Wife submit to your husband or "husband love your wife"...which really is tougher?? OK...I know deep down you must have responded with the "wives submit to your husband phrase". Fair enough, it is actually not easy to lay down your desires, wants and needs as the case may be as a woman. I mean we are all humans and we all enjoy doing what makes us happy (who doesn't). Infact, when I was younger, I used to always say that Male and female were formed the same way so there was no way I was going to accept one gender boss over the (Yes I was seriously angry with all the men in the world).

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